Excellent Who Started Mother's Day In The Usa 2023 References

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Who Started Mother’s Day in the USA 2023? Mother’s Day is a holiday celebrated annually in the United States on the second Sunday of May. It is a day set aside to honor mothers and motherhood. But have you ever wondered who started Mother’s Day in the USA? In this article, we will explore the history of Mother’s Day and the person who is credited with starting this tradition. In the early 1900s, a woman named Anna Jarvis began campaigning for a holiday to honor mothers. Anna was inspired by her own mother, who had passed away in 1905. Her mother had been a peace activist who had cared for wounded soldiers during the Civil War. Anna wanted to create a day to recognize the sacrifices and hard work of all mothers. Anna Jarvis’s efforts paid off, and on May 9, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. The holiday quickly became popular, and it was celebrated by people across the country. However, Anna Jarvis soon became disillusioned with the holiday she had created. She felt that it had become too commercialized and had lost its original meaning. She even went as far as to organize boycotts against companies that were profiting from Mother’s Day. Despite her efforts, Mother’s Day continued to be celebrated throughout the country. Today, it is one of the most popular holidays in the United States, with millions of people giving gifts and cards to their mothers each year. In conclusion, Mother’s Day in the USA was started by Anna Jarvis, who campaigned for a holiday to honor mothers. Her efforts paid off, and the holiday was declared by President Woodrow Wilson in 1914. While Anna Jarvis became disillusioned with the commercialization of the holiday, Mother’s Day continues to be celebrated by millions of people each year. Question & Answer: Q: Who started Mother’s Day in the USA? A: Anna Jarvis is credited with starting Mother’s Day in the USA. Q: When was Mother’s Day declared a holiday in the USA? A: Mother’s Day was declared a holiday in the USA on May 9, 1914, by President Woodrow Wilson. Q: Why did Anna Jarvis become disillusioned with Mother’s Day? A: Anna Jarvis became disillusioned with Mother’s Day because she felt that it had become too commercialized and had lost its original meaning.

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