When Was The First Mother's Day 2023: A Brief History

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When Was the First Mother’s Day 2023: A Brief History


Mother’s Day is celebrated all over the world as a tribute to the unconditional love and sacrifices of mothers. It is a day to celebrate the motherhood and the role of mothers in society. But do you know when the first Mother’s Day was celebrated? Let’s take a journey through history to find out.

The Origin of Mother’s Day

The origin of Mother’s Day can be traced back to ancient Greek and Roman cultures where they celebrated the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele. However, Mother’s Day as we know it today, started in the United States in the early 1900s.

Anna Jarvis – The Founder of Mother’s Day

Anna Jarvis is considered the founder of Mother’s Day in the United States. She started campaigning for a special day to honor mothers after the death of her own mother in 1905. She wanted to create a day to recognize the sacrifices and hard work of mothers.

The First Mother’s Day Celebration

The first Mother’s Day celebration was held on May 10, 1908, in Grafton, West Virginia. Anna Jarvis organized a memorial for her mother at St. Andrew’s Methodist Church, which is now an International Mother’s Day Shrine.

Recognition of Mother’s Day

In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation recognizing Mother’s Day as a national holiday to be celebrated on the second Sunday of May. Since then, Mother’s Day has been celebrated every year in the United States and many other countries around the world.

How is Mother’s Day Celebrated?

Mother’s Day is celebrated in different ways around the world. Some people give gifts, cards, and flowers to their mothers to show their love and appreciation. Others take their mothers out for dinner or cook a special meal for them. Some families organize a picnic or a day trip to spend quality time together.


Q. When is Mother’s Day celebrated in 2023?

A. Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year. In 2023, Mother’s Day will be celebrated on May 14.

Q. Why is Mother’s Day important?

A. Mother’s Day is important because it is a day to honor and appreciate the love, care, and sacrifices of mothers. It is a day to thank them for everything they do for us and to make them feel special.

Q. Can I celebrate Mother’s Day even if I don’t have a mother?

A. Yes, you can celebrate Mother’s Day even if you don’t have a mother. You can celebrate the mother figures in your life such as grandmothers, aunts, stepmothers, or other women who have played a motherly role in your life.


Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate the love, care, and sacrifices of mothers. It is a day to thank them for everything they do for us and to make them feel special. The first Mother’s Day was celebrated in the United States in 1908, and since then, it has become a global celebration. Let’s take this opportunity to appreciate and honor the mothers in our lives.

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